Wednesday, January 23, 2008

* Creating Team Collaboration Site in 30 minutes

6 years back working as a developer, i thought of creating a team site for my team. It took me almost one week to create basic html pages and linking them together.

Today again I thought of creating a team collaboration site for my team and it took me just 30 minutes which includes complete integration with Corporate network, blogs , wikis, issue tracker, discussion boards, custom lists, etc.

What's the difference ?

Yes, Sharepoint. No wonder its the fastest growing product from Microsoft.

I have used only Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 and not MOSS 2007.

So, if you always wanted to have a site for your team but thought it will take lot of efforts..  give it a try.

WSS 3.0 is freely available for download. Let me know your feedback and issues.

I will post more about my experiences with Sharepoint soon.


  1. Hmmm.... you said 30 minutes... time is over and no post yet :-p

    Just kiddin, SharePoint rulz! HF

  2. Spot on Vikas. In most of my projects the first thing I've done is setup a team collaboration site using SharePoint. Gone are the days when months were spent writing intranets. SharePoint gives you most of it out of the box.
