Thursday, January 18, 2007

* .NET Tip #6 : Strong Named Assemblies Unleashed

An assembly which doesn't have a strong name is identified by only its file name. A strong named assembly gets a globally unique identity which consists of following four attributes : file name, version number, culture information (if provided) and a public key.

The steps required to strong name an assembly are :

1. Create a public-private key pair using a tool called Strong Name tool (Sn.exe)

2. Enable the strong naming of assembly during build using Project -> Properties Page or adding following attribute to AssemblyInfo.cs [assembly: AssemblyKeyFileAttribute(@"keypair.snk")]

When an assembly is strong named, development environment signs the hash of the file containing assembly's manifest with the private key. This is stored in the portable executable (PE) file. Also the public is embedded in the manifest of the strong named assembly as below :

.publickey = (00 24 00 00 04 80 00 00 94 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 // .$..............
00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 // .$..RSA1........
FF ED CD 9D 17 C1 AA 3A B0 AD 8A FA 94 C1 88 DD // .......:........
8F 49 65 AE 87 FC D6 51 F7 CE 80 6B FD FA C0 F8 // .Ie....Q...k....
10 F7 E1 E2 18 4F 10 06 F0 97 10 52 06 16 A7 D5 // .....O.....R....
F8 AC F7 C6 4A B4 62 19 1B AE 1B 3B B4 F8 19 3F // ....J.b....;...?
33 9C 4E A7 7A 8F BF BB 54 3C B9 D6 E5 EE 3C 06 // 3.N.z...T<....<.
F2 05 98 AB 7A 21 21 23 2D 0A 94 93 30 23 1B E0 // ....z!!#-...0#..
47 25 82 46 B3 B2 F2 E0 F7 94 77 A7 23 A4 11 DC // G%.F......w.#...
0F F8 17 31 B8 9D 06 5B 78 5F C3 81 7E 7E AD AB ) // ...1...[x_..~~..

When an assembly references this strong named assembly its manifest will contain the public token of the public key of the referenced strong named assembly

.assembly extern StrongAssembly
.publickeytoken = (89 A8 29 AB 81 32 88 38 ) // ..)..2.8
.ver 1:0:0:0

This PublicKeyToken is the hash of the public key and can be calculated using same tool as shown below

D:\Vikas\vikas\tech\code\StrongName\StrongAssembly>sn -Tp strongassembly.dll

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility Version 2.0.50727.42
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Public key is

Public key token is 89a829ab81328838

The strong naming assembly provides two advantages :

1. As strong names are globally unique, it protects applications from name spoofing.

2. When runtime loads the referenced assembly it generates the hash of the contents of strong assembly and compares it with the hash stored in PE of strong assembly by decrypting it with public key. The same value of both hashes ensures that assembly has not been tampered.

However, no level of trust is associated with a strong name but ensures integrity of the assembly.

Other Tips

.NET Partial Types

.NET Namespace Alias

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